Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Assignment 7

Okie day, nearing the end here. For our second to last assignment, we had to do environments. Whoo.. Joy... My favourites.

Anywho, like a few others I know are doing, I did mine for my Pitch Bible (which is the next assignment) which also goes along with the idea I would like to do for my Senior Project in a few years. The basic idea focuses on this group I call the Crew, a group of men whose heads correspond with different pieces of equipment on a film set. The story follows how they interact with on another on set and such and it was an idea I got while working on a film set last summer as an intern.

The Senior Project idea would be shorter than the actual run, where it's like a show and the Senior thing would be like a pilot episode. In the Project, it would be like a short interview with the six other members of the Crew on their feelings towards their rather flamboyant Director.

Here are the old designs for my good fellows, though they'll soon get a make over:

Their names and their roles are listed there too.

Anyway, for my environments, I did ones based off the Crew's meeting room, the building they meet at and the lounge room that the interviews are done in. Here are some refs I got, mainly like office funiture but I did a bunch on the fly:

The first environment is the meeting room. I did all these on paper first and then scanned them in and this was the only one I coloured.

Happy with how the colouring came out. I really really really really like that plant. The one on the table. It makes me happy. The sun shading makes me happy too. Oh and just for fun, I also threw Clap (the Director) in here, just for.. fun... Yeah.

The other two backgrounds were just gray shaded and roughly at that. Here you have the Lounge Area and then the Maple Tree Productions building

So yeah. Not much to type. I'll probably repeat some of this later. That and I'm tired and stuff, so yeah. Cool beans.

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